Thursday, February 26, 2009

Naptime? yeah riiiight.

So, as most of you know: I cherish naptime! I finally have both of the younger kiddos on the same schedule. We have nap from noon-245, period, end of story. Usually Brady sleeps in his pack and play upstairs in my room and Bradley sleeps on the couch downstairs...Dont ask me why, but he says its his "spot." Whatever, I ahve learned to pick my battles with that kid. One day last week, he wanted to sleep in my bed, so I said ok. They were quite for about 45 minutes, so I went to check on them and this is what I found:

Oh and the big boy who's about to lose a tooth!

He is getting so so so handsome! He used to be "cute" and now he is growing up into a handsome little boy!!

Love Dares, and more :)

Sorry I havent blogged in a couple days, I haven't been feeling 100%..I am all stuffy!
We have still been doing our nightly Love Dare sessions, and it is working so much! Besides being sick, this has been a very pleasant week.
Day 2's dare was to not say anything negative to your spouse and do something special for him/ her. So, I made Brad lunch, sent him an email, and color coated his clothes in the closet (which he has wanted to do for a long time!). I was anxious to see what he was going to do for me..We went to Spring Creek for dinner and he refilled my tea for me. That sounds like nothing to most of you, I'm sure, but it was h-u-g-e for Brad. HE is the one who usually gets catered to, so it was super sweet.
Day 3's dare was buy something for your spouse. It says in the book that we tend to care about things more when we invest in them, which is true. I bought Brad a ps3 game, and he bought me a membership to wieght watchers (which I have wanted).
Day 4 was to call your partner during the business day and see how they are, and if they needed anything. We both failed this mission. I called, and he said he needed something specific washed, and I forgot, oops. He called, and I didnt answer, I was surely chasing kids or something...Onto day 5! We each had to name 3 things that annoy or irritate us. Mine were: 1. When he doesnt follow thru with things 2. When he always has to have the tv, game system or something on while having family time 3. When he doesnt do stuff without having to be told
His were 1. When I keep calling his phone after calling and him not answering. 2. When I nag him. 3. When I yell at the kids.
So, today we have to work on these 3 things :)

Brendan's tooth is almost out! Its bittersweet, really. Its the first tooth he got in when he was 7 months old, and now its coming out..and Brady is almost ONE! oh my gosh!!!! How time flys!!
Anyways, I will blog more when I feel a little better. Have a blessed week :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Love Dare

Brad and I started the Love Dare on Saturday. It is a 40 challenge and you can buy the book from Walmart. I encourage couples to read it and take the dare. If you commit to 40 days, the result can change your life and marriage. If you don't want to spend the $11 on the book, check my blog daily and I will sum up the challange for the day.
Day one: Love is patient.
Love is life's most powerful motivator. We are born with a lifelong thirst for love, and no marriage is successful without it. Love is built on 2 pillars, patience and kindness. When you choose to be patient, you respond in a positive way to a negative situation. You are slow to anger, and choose to have a longer fuse. No one likes to be around an impatient person, it causes you to overreact in angry and foolish ways. Patience is a choice to control your emotions rather than letting your emotions control you. It makes us wise, and doesnt rush to judgement, but listens to what the other person is saying. And the most important lesson I recieved from the message was this: Patience helps you give your spouse permission to be human. It understands that everyone fails. It gives you the ability to hold on during the tough times in your relationship rather that bailing out under pressure.
The love dare journey is a process, and the 1st thing you must resolve to possess to patience.
Todays DARE: The first part of this dare is fairly simple..Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. For the next 24 hours resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything.
We finished our dare last night and I must say, it was harder than it looks. But after the success, Brad and I both agreed that yesterday was one of the best days of our marriage! So, take the challege with us!

"Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger" James 1:19

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gettin' skinny :)

My new workout plan is grand! My kids love it and I get a major workout! It attaches to my bike so I am biking *and* pulling 50+ pounds~awesome!! We have rode around the 'hood for 3 days now and we are up to 1 mile. Summer-here we come!

Bradley, my angel

Today we went to the academy and we had a hard time deciding whether or not to take Bradley. Brad and I both wanted to take the tour and meet some teachers, so we decided to take the plunge and take Bradley, my little handful. We were paired up with another lady and her 2 kids, Morgan, who was 4 1/2 and Bobby, who was 2 (and just as tall as my little Bradley). Can I just say my kid was the good one!! It was such a success for us! I was truely proud of him :)When we left i told him what a good boy he was and his response? "donuts?" Of coarse, we got him some, he was angelic! Praise Jesus!
Off to get my nails done...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Academy=Busy Day!

Tomorrow is a big day for us. We take the first 2 steps to enroll Brendan in The Academy! I am so stoked to see it and meet everyone. For those who don't know~this is kinda a big deal to me. Brad is going with me to the tour and parent meeting, which might be an even bugger deal to me. . . Seeing as I haven't even ate dinner with him in forever (cause he has been so busy!). My mom is coming to watch the boys for us, so pray for her!
We haven't been to church in 3 long, busy weeks. Between the move and 3 sick kidlets, we just couldn't make it. I look forward to getting back into that routine. ChaCha's is calling my name! And we haven't been to Aunt Sue's (my favorite aunt ever!) in too long! Of everything in the world, one of my favorite moments is praying with my husband.
Happy Hump Day!


About Me

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I am the proud mommy to the world's most handsome 3 little boys, and wife to a sexy Papa bear!